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Multilingual information project for people with disability from a culturally and linguistically diverse background

A new multilingual information project for people with disability from a culturally and linguistically diverse background has been launched.

MiAccess is part of a wider project funded by the NDIS under the ILC (Information, Linkages and Capacity Building) Program.

The webpage may be found by going to:

It has taken over 18 months to develop including working with disability organisations and with people in CALD communities with lived experiences to ensure that the information is relevant, in language and accessible.

The website is accessible in 10 community languages assessed as most relevant to the disability cohort and contains information pieces in over 30 languages.

The site been designed for maximum accessibility and is being tested in language by peers from Diversity & Disability Alliance in Sydney. The translation process has also involved the highest standards of translations and checking using NAATI credentialed translators.

The website is being complemented with a communication and outreach program.

An engagement resource in the form of a VR (virtual reality) experience, has been developed. It allows families with lived experience of children with autism to tell their stories including how the NDIS has made a difference for their children. These have been produced in Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Arabic and English (telling the story of an Indian background family).

Download the Miaccess Stakeholder Kit (MS Word, 3.36MB)

For further information contact Cultural Perspectives