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Members wanted for new Minister's Carer Advisory Council

If you are a person who provides unpaid care and support to a family member or friend who has disability, mental ill health, chronic or life-limiting condition, alcohol or other drug dependence, who is frail and aged, or a child and you are their kinship carer, you are invited to express interest in becoming a member of the Minister’s Carer Advisory Council (MCAC). Up to five positions are available.

MCAC provides advice, information and insights about issues affecting carers to assist in the development and delivery of informed, effective and evidence-based policy, programs and projects to support and recognise unpaid carers.

MCAC will play a key role in monitoring the implementation of Supporting Tasmanian Carers: Tasmania’s Carer Action Plan 2021-2024 and annual Tasmanian Government Agency reporting requirements.

To ensure representation across the state, people from regional areas of Tasmania are strongly encouraged to apply.

The closing date for expressions of interest is 31 January 2023.

More information and application packs are available here