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Helping international students get work ready

The University of Tasmania has recently developed a new, two-day program to help international students prepare for work in Australia. The first session was run in Hobart during June, and students visited a number of sites across Hobart to learn more about Australian workplace culture, resume writing and the job interview process. The students heard from various professionals about their qualifications and the career paths that had lead them to the roles they are in today.

The I-PREP Program aims to enhance the international student experience through opportunities in Tasmania, help students identify career paths and goals, and develop their professional profiles. As part of the Program, students had the opportunity to tour Parliament House in Hobart to learn about Tasmania’s democratic and parliamentary practices and procedures and to engage with Members of Parliament. With the students all keen to remain in Tasmania, a visit to Parliament will help provide them with the knowledge to exercise their democratic rights should they chose to make Tasmanian their home permanently.

This program is open to enrolled UTAS students and more information can be found online at