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Hear our voices report released

A report from the women's gathering Hear or voices has been released by the Glenorchy City Council.

The purpose of the gathering was to hear the voices of women through discussion groups and to then bring to the issues to the forefront, to be presented as recommendations to take to Local, State and Federal governments as well as to enable support group(s).

Participants at the Hear our voices gathering included immigrants and former refugees from 24 countries including Afghanistan, Bhutan, Burma (Karen), Congo, Columbia, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Madagascar, Nepal, Philippines and Sudan. Asylum seekers from Sri Lanka also attended.

The Multicultural Centre for Women's Health (MCWH) was invited to speak at the event as the national voice for immigrant and refugee women's health and wellbeing.  Dr Regina Quiazon represented MCWH during the proceedings and facilitated the group discussions over the two days.

The report on the Women's Gathering held in March through Glenorchy City Council and with other services was completed with Multicultural Centre for Women's Health in Melbourne. The report will also be used for lobbying nationally and will be in the Shadow Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) report.

Open the Hear our voices report. (PDF, 3.33MB)