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Have your say - Tasmania’s new Active Ageing Strategy

Banner promoting COTA consultations

To create an age-friendly community, it’s important people of all ages have their say to help develop Tasmania’s new Active Ageing Strategy.

Today people are living longer than previous generations. We are all ageing. Almost 180 000 Tasmanians (30.5%) of the population are expected to be over 65 years by 2060, so it’s important that all Tasmanians, young and older have input into the next Tasmanian Active Ageing Strategy.

The Tasmanian Government’s vision is to build an age-friendly state in which all Tasmanians regardless of their age, can stay active, healthy, resilient, and connected to their community and the economy.

To realise this vision, Tasmanians are being asked for their opinion to help shape ageing in Tasmania and develop a new robust Tasmanian Active Ageing Strategy 2023-2029.

State-wide consultations for the new Active Ageing Strategy are being organised by the Council on the Ageing Tasmania (COTA Tasmania) with support from and collaboration with the Tasmanian Government.

For more information about how you can have a say please visit the COTA website at or call 62  313 265 or email

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