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Have your say – Tasmanian Women’s Strategy 2022-2025

A woman wearing red is working on a laptop

A new Tasmanian Women’s Strategy 2022-2025 is under development. A confidential survey has been developed to help build the evidence base about women’s perceptions and experiences. The more women who complete the survey the better, to ensure the new Tasmanian Women’s Strategy reflects the diverse views and experiences of Tasmanian women.

The survey focuses on the economic Security; Health and Wellbeing; and Safety of Tasmania’s women, and includes questions regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s experiences.

The survey has been prepared in an accessible format.

However, some people may prefer to respond to a specific question or questions in writing, or by video or a voice message. If you would like to provide your feedback this way, please send your response to

Complete the survey

The survey is open until 15 November 2021.