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Food Relief to Food Resilience: Tasmanian Food Security Strategy 2021-2024

Girl holding a bag of apples at a food cooperative

The Tasmanian Government wants all Tasmanians to thrive and be strong and resilient through cohesive, inclusive and supportive communities, while recognising that there are people across the state who need our support.

Food relief provides a critical opportunity to connect Tasmanians to services that address the circumstances that lead to food insecurity, and in addition to a $3 million commitment to emergency food relief, the Food Security Strategy will encourage further collaboration across Government and the community sector to help meet demand for food relief and increase food security.

Informed by data mapping work in 2020, and through consultation with groups representing the food relief sector including TasCOSS and the Tasmanian School Canteen Association, our Food Security Strategy sets out our direction for implementing PESRAC’s Interim and Final Reports and our commitment to deliver a strategy within our first 100 days.

The health, safety and wellbeing of Tasmanians is our number one priority as we continue to face the challenges of COVID-19, and we are committed to supporting the community organisations that support our communities as outlined in our 100 day commitments.
