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Draft Tasmanian Women’s Strategy 2022-2027 Released for Public Consultation

cover of Draft Tasmanian Women's Strategy 2022-27 is in block colours such as navy blue and pink The Tasmanian Women’s Strategy 2022-2027 aims to provide the Tasmanian community with a meaningful and sustainable way to achieve gender equality in this State. The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected women in Tasmania. The Tasmanian Government is keen to build on current investment into women’s economic security, leadership opportunities, safety, and health and wellbeing to improve outcomes for women and girls as we address the impacts of the pandemic.

The draft Women’s Strategy presents an important opportunity for the Tasmanian Government and broader community to address the main drivers of gender equality. Central to the new approach is the proposal to embed into the development of all government policies, programs and services a process for analysing the impact of gender.

During the first stage of consultation with key stakeholders, we heard that applying a gender impact assessment process could be transformative for women, girls and gender diverse Tasmanians, and that the lived experience of women is critical for informing program design and delivery. We also heard that gender equality brings benefits for boys and men because men also experience gender-based issues including shorter life expectancy.

The draft Women’s Strategy has been developed using input from the public, private and government sectors. Over 500 Tasmanians provided input to the Women’s Strategy survey, which was open for public comment between October and November 2021.

The draft Women’s Strategy has been released for a month of public consultation. To view the draft Women’s Strategy or make a submission, please visit the Women in Tasmania website.